How To Build Clientele Using Social Media

October 26, 2022

When it comes to building clientele for your beauty business, leveraging social media can be a game changer. However, it’s important to know how to use the platforms effectively.

Over the last decade, platforms like Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and TikTok have evolved quickly to increase user engagement, attract more active users on their platforms and to create more innovative ways to give their consumers a unique way to receive information. Businesses and major corporations alike use these as a key part of their brand and growth strategies because social media has become such an integral part of how we interact and consume online.

Hire an expert: Hiring someone who is experienced can be a way to cut out the learning curve in the ever changing world of social media. An expert can develop a strategy for you based on your audience and goals. While this option does cost, it can save you time and bring in more clients in the long run.

Use #hashtags: Hashtags can be an easy way to connect with users in your area or that are interested in specific beauty services. When posting online be sure to leverage relevant hashtags so that the people who are looking for your service can find you

Reach out first: Don’t be afraid to reach out first. Once you find people who may be looking for your service, an introductory message about you and your beauty business can give you another touchpoint to potential clients.

Use the influence of others: Nowadays, people can be more convinced to try a product or service if someone they know and trusts endorses it. You can encourage your current customers to share their experience on their own social channels. You can also pay an influencer to promote your business. Both ways generate trust and have the potential to drive sales.

Try affiliate marketing: Similar to the last point, it can be helpful to offer a commission or discount on your services in exchange for others promoting your website or booking link. This gives more influencers or clients more incentive to share your services with others.

Recently, we interviewed Houston-based Loc stylists, Jasmine Brown she gave us her way of building clientele during a pandemic for her business. Jasmine was able to move her business into a beauty shop, not only because she had the determination to do so, but she was also leveraging her social media platforms.

“I would send mass direct messages to people in the area on different platforms. I spent time searching for keywords on Twitter like #houston, #locstylists and things like that. I had it so down packed that I even created templates for reaching out and responding to messages that showed my work on my website or social media accounts”.

When it comes to building clientele for a beauty business, using social media is key, as long as you identify your client profile, engage with potential clients and always search for new
opportunities to promote online. With this understanding, the ScaleBeauty platform offers easy ways to share your social media handles and relevant links to support the growth of your beauty business.

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